The main benefit in performing incline presses is to develop the upper portion of the pectoral muscles. When the bench is set at an incline (15 to 30 degrees), you activate your shoulders more since it’s comparable to a shoulder press.
Start Position
Grasp a barbell, using a closed, pronated grip slightly wider than shoulder-width
Lie in a supine position on an incline bench in the five-point body contact position
Press the Barbell in unison to an extended-elbow, parallel-arm position above the head and face
All repetitions begin from this position
Movement Phases
Lower the weight slowly until the bar touches your upper chest
Keep the wrists stiff and directly above the elbows
Maintain the five-point body contact position
Breathing Guidelines
breathe in as you lower the bar toward your chest and breathe out as you lift the bar back up
Do not arch the back or raise the chest to meet the barbell
To maximize pectoral work, flare your elbows out wide as the barbell is lowered
Primary muscles: Upper Pectoralis Major
secondary muscles: Anterior Deltoid, Triceps brachii