The bench press is a compound exercise that targets the muscles of the upper body. It involves lying on a bench and pressing weight upward using either a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. During a bench press, you lower the weight down to chest level and then press upwards while extending your arms.
Start Position
Grasp the bar with a closed, pronated grip
Position the feet shoulder-width apart
(or wider),even with each other
with the toes pointed
All repetitions begin from this position
Downward Movement(Eccentric Phase)
Maintain a position with the back neutral,
elbows high, and the chest up and out
slightly outward
Allow the hips and knees to slowly
flex while keeping the torso-to-floor
angle relatively constant
Continue flexing the hips and knees until
the tops of the thighs are parallel to the floor
the trunk begins to round or flex forward
Upward Movement(Concentric Phase)
Maintain a position with neutral spine
high elbows, and the chest up and out
Extend the hips and knees at the same rate
Continue extending the hips and knees
to reach the starting position
Breathing Guidelines
Inhale during the downward movement
and exhale after the sticking point
of the upward movement
Primary muscles: Pectoralis major
Secondary muscles: Anterior Deltoid, Triceps brachii